Gruppo Famiglie Dravet Onlus (GFD) and the Swiss Dravet Syndrome Association (SDSA), both European non-profit organisations dedicated to improve lives of people with Dravet syndrome and their families and to support the highest quality basic or clinical research on Dravet syndrome, will make available funds for a two year research project aimed at understanding the pathogenesis of Dravet syndrome and at paving the way to new treatments that will ultimately lead to a better quality of life for people with Dravet Syndrome. The budget requested can be made up to €110,000.
Interest is targeted on Dravet Syndrome specific basic, pre-clinical and clinical research that falls into the following:
• Projects that explore novel research ideas on the mechanisms of Dravet Syndrome;
• Projects that test potential therapies to prevent or treat Dravet Syndrome;
• Projects aimed at identifying new molecular biomarkers that will ideally help to understand/predict the disease course an/or to follow response to treatments;
• Clinical studies with the purpose of understanding convulsive vs non-convulsive status epilepticus and cluster seizure or of defining new clinical endpoints/outcome measures to be employed in clinical trials;
• Projects that investigate the mechanisms of SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy).
International applicants are welcome.
Full text of the Call and the submission guidelines are available here 
The deadline for LoIs submission is May 17, 2019

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