Polycystic kidney: a problem of tubule expansion lies at the base of polycystic kidney disease
New light has been shed on the molecular mechanisms that lie at the base of one of the most common genetic diseases, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney, which in Italy alone affects 60 thousand people.

Collaboration agreement between Telethon Foundation and Rare Partners
Telethon has renewed the agreement with Rare Partners for the development of diagnostic tools and therapeutic approaches based on the results of research projects funded by the Telethon Foundation.

Possible culprits in congenital heart defects identified
Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the University of Padua-Dulbecco Telethon Institute in Italy have shown that mitochondria remarkably also orchestrate events that determine a cell's future, at least in the embryonic mouse heart

New "muscle-saver" molecular strategy discovered
A new molecular strategy is described for enhancement of muscle growth and for consequent containment of the adverse effects of degenerative diseases such as muscular dystrophy and atrophy

Research: correlation discovered between neurological deficits and ferritin deficiency
A study conducted by researchers at IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele Milano, funded by Telethon and coordinated by Prof. Sonia Levi was published in The Journal of Experimental Medicine.

Mitochondrial diseases: here's the metabolism-helper gene
A case of malfunctioning mitochondria? Considerable help may be provided by OPA1 – a gene which, when altered, is known to be responsible for a hereditary disease of the eye, dominant optic atrophy.

The Hiv virus used to cure two severe genetic diseases
The AIDS virus can be used to treat two severe hereditary diseases.

Alliance between Fondazione Telethon and biopharmaceutical company Shire for research and development of new therapies for rare genetic diseases
Fondazione Telethon has signed an important agreement to collaborate with the international pharma company Shire plc.

Molecular bullets on the way for cystic fibrosis, Sma and haemophilia
Researchers at the ICGEB in Trieste and at Ferrara University have created a therapeutic strategy based on small RNAs in order to bypass the genetic defect responsible for these serious diseases still without a permanent cure.